Wednesday, July 16, 2008

In Memory of Mitra...

Mitra. I always wanted to call him a "her." He was one of the sweetest, kindest and most loyal cats I've known. (Shown here in Nikki's lap.) Our family had the pleasure of getting to know Mitra, and his housemates, Tashi and Marengo, during Hurricane Katrina. The three cats stayed with us for a couple of months until Jason and Nikki could get settled somewhere until things were well enough to go back to New Orleans. We were able to keep Tashi, but Mitra and Marengo went back to New Orleans with Nikki and Jason. If one of those cats was mostly Nikki's, I'd guess it was Mitra.

Nikki got Mitra when she first went off to college, so I've been told. From coast to coast, Mitra followed Nikki. Through tough changes like "his Nikki" getting a husband and having a baby--Mitra stayed loyal.

After 12 years (I think) of undaunted love, snuggles and purrs to those he cherished most, Mitra passed away on July 15, 2008. He kept getting sick and there seemed to be great difficulty in finding out exactly what was wrong or what to do. I'm so thankful that Mitra came home from the hospital & was able to pass on while in a safe and comfortable place. Jason said he was meowing a lot at the hospital--one reason they felt he was feeling well enough to go home. I think Mitra knew his time was running out & was able to communicate his wish to come home one last time.

I've lost pets of my own--the most special of them were two cats that passed away within 6 months of each other. It's tough. They are not "like" family; these animals ARE family. If I know anything about my sister-in-law Nikki, I know this... Nikki has a big heart with lots of love. Her animals are her children, too. I know, without a doubt, that this is a very tough time, but I also know that Nikki is strong and am so glad that there are so many good times with Mitra for her to ponder on.

To Mitra: You were a very special member of our family. We hold those memories so close to our hearts & cherished every moment we had together.

To Marengo: I know you are freaked out that something's happened to your best friend. Love on Mommy and Daddy. They are sad, too.

To Jason and Nikki: I love you both. I'm sad for you, but I'm at least thankful that Mitra is no longer so sick. I know he's in a better place. If he could touch my heart the way he did in just a couple of months, I can only imagine how he touched yours. I love you both.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Lisa's Off for a Sunday Ride!

Lisa finally got her motorcycle helmet and mesh safety jacket, so she can finally take the motorcycle out for a spin. For those who have been in disbelief, Preston grabbed a few snapshots as she was taking off. (No, she didn't wreck it or run into anything. She did stall it out, though.)

The "Puppy" is Not Much of a Puppy Anymore...

Sebastian went for his check-up this week. He's only 7 months old, but you wouldn't know it! He weighed in at a whopping 69.4 pounds--at the lower end of norm for an adult german shepherd. Sebastian is expected to hit about 100 pounds by adulthood. He's such a sweet dog! He's gotten to where he likes to jump on the bed and cuddle with me while we watch Animal Planet. If I'm laying down just the right way, he'll plop right down on top of me. He must think he's a lap dog!!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Good news!

We took Stephen for his big test for Hirschsprung's Disease at Children's Hospital in Birmingham yesterday. He had to have a barium enema--very uncomfortable, I'm sure. He was a sport about the whole thing once he found out the tube was not going from his nose into his stomach like what happened to him when he was hospitalized for impaction back in April. That was awful.

Anyway, the test came back negative for Hirschsprung's. That's fabulous! We're done in Birmingham for now, but just have to follow-up with our local pediatric gastroenterologist for management of his condition.

Thanks to everyone for their prayers!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Bad Doggie!!! (Well, maybe just bored...)

We got Sebastian, our german shepherd, at the age of 3 months from the pound. He is the most friendly, happy, loving, smart and MISCHIEVOUS dog! (Pictured is the week we adopted him.) He's now 7 months old. When he was only 4 or 5 months old, we invested in the "wonderful" invisible fence. I swore, "Oh, no, he won't get out. He's smart. He knows he has to stay. We trained him by the directions."

All has been well for months, but there's one area where he passes through when I take the collar off, leash him & take him for a walk. This is the "safe zone" when his fencing collar is off. He's obviously translated this into, "I can get out this way whenever I want!"

After he's gotten out constantly for the past few days, we said, "Enough is enough," after two kids from the adjoining neighborhood called to say they found my dog. Pets--they are like kids because we spend so much money and time on them! The time is fine, but the money? Uh, it could be better. He's spoiled.

So, we've spent the whole day figuring out how to keep Sebastian home. (Don't want him to get picked up & taken to the pound, or worse--stolen!) First, I blocked off the area where he was escaping. Second, I brought him in to snuggle so he was getting plenty of attention. Third, I had Preston help me hold him down so I could shave the underside of his neck for the collar to work most effectively. Fourth, we bought a wading pool for him to play & cool off in. And, lastly, I went & bought some "Pupcorn," cheesy popcorn-type dog treats. He's also getting lots of playtime today, even though I'm not feeling well & was home sick from church today.

The funny thing is, I'd do anything to keep Sebastian around. He is truly part of the family; just like the three cats, who are the only other females in the house! (Gotta keep it even!)

Friday, July 4, 2008

July 4th Comedy of Errors...

Many that know us and know us well know that we can't make big plans or take a vacation without disaster. Tonight's event was no exception. The story, at its funniest, is really too long to type in a blog if I want anyone to read it, so I'm just going to make a list of descriptive words & will let you fill in the blanks. Imagine the worst & you may get close!

The group we were meeting: no-shows.
The weather: hot, humid, hot & hot.
The music: not good.
The air conditioned areas: non-existent.
The Dairy Queen: closed.
Stephen: crying.
The park: fire ants!
The van: trapped in by the parade crowds.
The refreshments: pricey.
The purchased refreshments: all over the ground.
The parade: missed most of it.
The restrooms: Too far away.
The fireworks: missed those, too.
Our family: over-heated by 5pm; gone by 6pm.
The dinner: slow.
The waitress: forgetful.
The food: greasy.
Lisa's stomach: uhhh... bad.
The grocery trip: broke the bank.
The kids: sent to their grandparents.
The parents: tired, hurting and gassy.

That's about as short as I could get it. Got to go to the bathroom now.........

A New "Phillip-ism"

So funny... Phillip went outside this morning to give Sebastian, our german shepherd, his leftover sausage from breakfast. On his way out the door, Lisa said, "Now Phillip, don't just toss the leftovers and go, give him a little attention & some hugs; let him lick you and love on you. He's wanting some attention." With a firm, "Yes, ma'am," Phillip exits. He comes back inside in less than 30 seconds stating, "I think we need to leave the dog alone for a moment. He's lovin' on his meat." Preston had to leave the room to break out in uncontrollable laughter!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Getting Ready for the 4th...

Today was just one of those days... Lisa had to drag Stephen into the van to go to the YMCA, so she could go to work (after she overslept). The problem? Everyone has "holiday fever." Work could not have gone any slower, but we all made it through the day.

Tomorrow our family is planning on participating in an Independence Day celebration in Wetumpka. We're meeting a group to participate in the town parade & will also have fun with the other festivities, but the favorite will be the fireworks at 9:00pm. (Of course!)

Although we're not too hyped about marching in the July heat, I think our family will enjoy the after-sundown activities. For one thing, Lisa gets heat exhaustion very easily. Secondly, the boys are  just not too fond about drawing attention to themselves, but Stephen loves to watch parades. Anyhow, Preston and Lisa have committed to participate, but Lisa's only interested in the fireworks. ;-)

Happy Independence Day to you all! God Bless.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Welcome friends and family to our new family blog--The Lane Gang! We'll keep you up to date on the kids, us (Lisa & Preston), other relatives and probably the pets, too! So, from us to you... come on back now, you hear!