Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Long Time No Blog

It's been several months since I've blogged. Why? I guess because life happens. I resigned my graphic design position in May. I spent the following 6 weeks at my grandmother's bedside to offer comfort, support, company and prayers to her until she passed away on June 12th. The funeral was beautiful. I thought I grieved her as I watched her die slowly those last weeks, but it's as if it has started over, but it's more difficult. I guess it's the reality of the fact that I have no more living grandparents. She was a big part of my life - maybe more-so than I thought until those last few weeks.

I took her memoirs that I had published for her in 2005 & revised them, adding a preface, a note, her obituary and a scripture. We picked up the new copies last week & I'm just so amazed at how proud I am to have a part in her book. She told me that she wrote it for me because I always had her tell me stories of her past when I'd visit. I've always had a keen interest in "the olden days." I think revising her memoirs was a perfect post-funeral project for me. I felt like I had to do it because she would've wanted it. So many people are now requesting the book. I'm glad I had the time to work on it.

I'm still not employed, but have enjoyed time with the boys over the summer. (They are best left separated at their current ages. They can annoy each other like it's an art!) Phillip and Stephen go back to school in about 3 weeks. Phillip will return to magnet school, 5th grade, and Stephen will be at our zoned school this year, 2nd grade.

There is much more to catch up on. I'll have to save it for later. I'm already up way too late. Blessings to you all.