Saturday, August 14, 2010

It's AMAZING How God Crosses Two Paths for His Purpose!

Story from 8/6/2010 -

I was out and about this afternoon - had to drop Phillip off at his dad's office. As usual, Preston told me before I left, "Just call me when you get downtown, and I'll meet you when you get here." On the way there, I realized I had left my cell phone at home. This wouldn't have normally been a big deal, but I had our dog in the van and leaving her in the heat would be deadly. I wasn't willing to leave the van running to bring Phillip inside. We were downtown, and I didn't want my van stolen! I kept on saying, "Oh my goodness! I don't know what to do!"

By the time we got there, I had decided to just wait. I thought, "Preston will figure it out. He'll wonder where we are, try to call me, won't get an answer and will come down here to check. Then I can tell him I left my cell phone at home charging." I spent the time cleaning out my van, putting the third row back up and organizing the back from our out-of-town trip last weekend. I cleaned up the trash and toys laying around, put up the travel DVD players and all the charging wires draped everywhere. Once I finished all of that, I realized it had been about 15 or 20 minutes and the gas gauge was inching closer and closer to empty. I had to figure out something soon. I was out of ideas until I saw a lady walking out to get in the vehicle parked next to mine. Time for my backup plan!

I rolled down my passenger window to get this stranger's attention. "Ma'am? Ma'am? May I please borrow your cell phone? I'm meeting my husband here, but I forgot mine. He doesn't know I'm here and we've been waiting for a long time now." She turned to me with a look of relief - like I helped her in some way. Then she said, "Sure. I'd be glad to loan you my phone. I didn't need to drive away just yet anyway. I was very upset and should try to calm down a little first." I thought this nice lady had just had a bad day at work. We talked a little while I was trying different numbers, attempting to get hold of Preston. I felt like I was being a bother when I asked if I could try one more number. I explained that my husband is in I.T. and there's no telling where he is at any given time. She replied, "Well, mine's just died yesterday."

I was shocked. Did this lady just say what I think she said? I replied, "Your HUSBAND?!" She nodded yes. I was leaving a voicemail for Preston, but cut it short and hung up as I got out of the van and walked around to her. I didn't know what to do or what to say. All I knew is that this nice lady's husband died yesterday and that she needed some time to gather herself before driving away. I gave her a big hug and said, "I don't know you, but I do know you are hurting." She hugged me tight and cried on my shoulder. With tears welling up in my eyes, I told her I would pray for her. I don't usually just come out and say stuff like that to strangers - nor do I just hug people I don't know. Some people are not fond of hugs, and I'm aware of that, but I just felt so compelled to reach out!

This recent widow looked at me and said, "I'm Gwenette. I know you will pray for me. You don't know how much this means to me that God put you in my path." She continued to explain that her husband was killed in an ATV accident yesterday - that he was thrown off and landed in a way that killed him instantly. I was shocked. She said she was only there to pick up a few things from his office. I thought, "How painful to have to do this the day after he died - with no one to help or drive her!" I responded, "I'm Lisa, and I guess we helped each other. Thank you for letting me use your phone. May God bless you, Gwenette. If you need to, just sit in your vehicle until you feel ready to drive." We looked at each other in a sisterly way, and she gave me one more big hug.

She turned away to get in her vehicle. I just stood there for a few seconds to catch my breath. "Our meeting each other just now was no accident," I said to myself. I walked around the van to get back in. I watched as she attempted to regain her composure before driving away. My heart sunk and I just looked down in sadness for her. I realized just then that I was wearing my shirt that says, "Jesus has a place in my heart." At that moment, I knew for sure it was the Holy Spirit that made all this happen. Everything from leaving my cell phone at home to bringing the dog along and even the time it took Preston to come out (about 1 minute after she drove away). This impromptu meeting was actually arranged.

It's AMAZING how God crosses two paths for His purpose, isn't it? Next time you leave something behind or feel prompted to speak to someone, think twice about the fact that it may play some part in a greater plan.

Oh, and please keep Gwenette in your thoughts and prayers.

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