Sunday, August 24, 2008

Lisa's Sour Stomach

Well, I finally had the appointment with the GI specialist this past week. On Friday, I will have an outpatient procedure for the doctor to look in my stomach, throat, etc. I will be put to sleep so the doctor can insert a tiny camera down my throat. The procedure will take about an hour. What I've been dealing with since the beginning of June has baffled the docs I've seen so far. They've been concerned about my gall bladder (gall stones), the liver, the stomach, etc. Friday they will be looking for ulcers, bacteria, acidity, etc. The abdominal ultrasound I had done last month came back normal, so this is the next step in figuring out why my stomach has been so "angry." Hey, at least I get a day off work, right?  :-)

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