Wednesday, July 16, 2008

In Memory of Mitra...

Mitra. I always wanted to call him a "her." He was one of the sweetest, kindest and most loyal cats I've known. (Shown here in Nikki's lap.) Our family had the pleasure of getting to know Mitra, and his housemates, Tashi and Marengo, during Hurricane Katrina. The three cats stayed with us for a couple of months until Jason and Nikki could get settled somewhere until things were well enough to go back to New Orleans. We were able to keep Tashi, but Mitra and Marengo went back to New Orleans with Nikki and Jason. If one of those cats was mostly Nikki's, I'd guess it was Mitra.

Nikki got Mitra when she first went off to college, so I've been told. From coast to coast, Mitra followed Nikki. Through tough changes like "his Nikki" getting a husband and having a baby--Mitra stayed loyal.

After 12 years (I think) of undaunted love, snuggles and purrs to those he cherished most, Mitra passed away on July 15, 2008. He kept getting sick and there seemed to be great difficulty in finding out exactly what was wrong or what to do. I'm so thankful that Mitra came home from the hospital & was able to pass on while in a safe and comfortable place. Jason said he was meowing a lot at the hospital--one reason they felt he was feeling well enough to go home. I think Mitra knew his time was running out & was able to communicate his wish to come home one last time.

I've lost pets of my own--the most special of them were two cats that passed away within 6 months of each other. It's tough. They are not "like" family; these animals ARE family. If I know anything about my sister-in-law Nikki, I know this... Nikki has a big heart with lots of love. Her animals are her children, too. I know, without a doubt, that this is a very tough time, but I also know that Nikki is strong and am so glad that there are so many good times with Mitra for her to ponder on.

To Mitra: You were a very special member of our family. We hold those memories so close to our hearts & cherished every moment we had together.

To Marengo: I know you are freaked out that something's happened to your best friend. Love on Mommy and Daddy. They are sad, too.

To Jason and Nikki: I love you both. I'm sad for you, but I'm at least thankful that Mitra is no longer so sick. I know he's in a better place. If he could touch my heart the way he did in just a couple of months, I can only imagine how he touched yours. I love you both.

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